Address: St Oswald’s Church, 933 Lincoln Road, Walton, PE4 6AE (1959)
Tel: 01733 321512 (Parish Office),  01733 853201 (Presbytery) 
Clergy: Rev Arockiya (Seelan) Poobalan
Deacon: Rev Jacob Cheriyan
Mass: Sat 6pm; Sun 10am, 12noon (Bretton)
Holy Days 10am, 7pm

Live streamed Masses: Fr Arockiya Seelan at Sacred Heart and St Oswald in Peterborough is saying Mass daily online at 9am (Sundays 10am) on YouTube and on the parish website: Plus these Holy Week Mass times: Holy Thursday  8.15pm, Good Friday Liturgy 3pm, Easter Vigil 8.30pm, Easter Sunday 10am

Confessions: Sat 5pm – 5.30pm and by appointment
Schools: Sacred Heart Primary School Tel: 01733 262449
Hospitals and Nursing Homes
Fitzwilliam Hospital Tel: 01733 261717
Ashlynn Grange Tel: 01733 269200
Werrington Lodge Tel: 01733 324252

Other places of worship in the Parish:
BRETTON, Peterborough, Sacred Heart Primary School.
Address: Tollgate, Bretton, PE3 9XD
Mass: Sun 12noon
Holy Days No Mass. See parish church above


Sacred Heart and Saint Oswald’s Parish
United Kingdom

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