Address: 33 Walpole Road, Cherry Hinton, CB1 3TH
Tel: 01223 211235
Email: john.
Clergy: Rev Philip John SM
Deacon: Rev John Bell, 3 Applewood Close, Cherry Hinton, CB1 9NU
Tel: 07502 560610
Mass: Sat 5.30pm; Sun 10am, 12noon
Holy Days: 9.30am, 5.30pm
Syro Malabar Rite Mass – 1st and 2nd Sun at 7.40am, 3rd and 4th Sun at 3.15pm
Night Vigil 3rd Friday 6 – 9pm
Confessions: Fri and Sat after Mass
Schools: St Bede’s Inter-Church Secondary School Tel: 01223 568816
Hospitals: All chaplaincy referrals must be made directly to the Chaplaincy Office in the first instance.
Cambridge University Hospital Tel: 01223 217769, Chaplaincy Office
Rosie Maternity Tel: 01223 217769, Chaplaincy Office
Brookfields Tel: 01223 603051
Arthur Rank Hospice Tel: 01223 723110, Chaplaincy Office
Fulbourn Hospital Tel: 01223 726789
Ida Darwin Hospital Tel: 01223 675777


St Philip Howard Catholic Church
33 Walpole Road
United Kingdom

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