The choirs from Norwich Cathedral, St Peter and All Souls Peterborough and Our Lady and the English Martyrs came together to sing a Mass which Bishop Alan celebrated on the Solemnity of the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
Morning rehearsals were led by musical directors Daniel Justin (Norwich Cathedral) and Andrew Reid (St Peter and All Souls).
The Choir at St Peter and All Souls was founded four years ago by Andrew Reid (Director of the Royal School of Church Music) with the support of Canon David Paul. They sing the Saturday Vigil Mass at the Church. Since then, the children have sung at the Cathedral in Norwich, and at Westminster Cathedral.
The Choristers of St John's Cathedral were founded in December 2015, and have sung on the first Sunday of the month since then. The Choristers sang for Mass at St George's Church, Norwich, as part of the Church's 50th Anniversary Celebrations, and Festival at OLEM was their first trip out of Norfolk!
The OLEM Junior Choir was reinstated this year, and this was their second outing.
The 52 children sang for a Mass at 2pm after a morning of workshops and rehearsals. Included in the Mass were Franck's Panis Angelicus, Simon Lindley's Ave Maria, and movements from the Missal Tones and chant Mass XII. The hymns included Sweet Sacrament Divine.
Daniel Justin said: "What a great event for the music of our Diocese! Over 50 children singing together with great joy was something to behold. Among the pieces they sang was a Sanctus from the Gregorian Chant Mass 12; and it was amazing to hear so many children singing this ancient music with real conviction and joy."
In his homily, Bishop Alan spoke about his own experience of being a chorister when he was growing up, and also about St John the Baptist, quoting the Gospel "what will this child turn out to be': "Who knows where being a member of this choir will take you! You might end up a professional singer, a doctor, a priest, maybe even a Bishop!"
Pictured top are the three choirs with Bishop Alan and, above, Andrew Reid working with the choirs during a rehearsal.
Choir trainer and organist, St Peter and All Souls’ (Roman Catholic) Church
Organist and Choir Director, All Saints’ (Anglican) Church
Two separate but complementary posts. Both involve working with choirs with children and playing the organ. There are substantial opportunities for additional organ playing and local private teaching and choral work. The churches are working together in making their appointments.
Closing date: 5pm on 5th July
Contact Andrew Reid or more details at website below.