Each year the Diocesan Youth Service runs a pilgrimage. Every few years this is to World Youth Day but in between they have been to Taizé, Iona, Lindisfarne, and along the Camino de Compostela.
We were thinking about what to do this year with all the uncertainty of the pandemic. We have decided to go to one of the most historically prominent places of pilgrimage in all of Europe, where many Kings and Queens have made pilgrimage… Walsingham. It may be on our doorstep and perhaps there is a temptation to take it for granted, but Walsingham is amazing. Even if there are still some restrictions in place, we are confident that we can walk and camp Covid Safe.
Around the same time as we started planning, we were contacted by Radio Maria England, (who are based in our diocese). They did a similar pilgrimage last year and wanted to do it again this year, especially for young people. So it made sense to work together, which is very exciting. We are calling the Pilgrimage ‘England’s Way’ as Walsingham is known as ‘England’s Nazareth’.
We will follow one of the ancient routes, starting at Ely and walking approximately 70 miles over four days, camping overnight. So if you’re weary from the past year, or perhaps the pandemic has thrown your plans into disarray, we invite you to come and take a few days out and do England’s Way.
England’s way runs from July 28 – August 1 and is open to anyone age 16 – 30. There are limited places available, especially for those under 18, so please book early. For more information see www.englandsway.org
Pictured above is a previous Diocesan Youth Service pilgrimage to Walsingham