Easter is celebrated across the Diocese of East Anglia
April 24, 2019
Moving youth celebration of Easter in Cambridge
April 26, 2019
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Be the first to read the May edition of Catholic East Anglia

The May 2019 edition of the Catholic East Anglia newspaper is now available online and contains news and pictures from the Chrism Mass and important ministries of service for three Diocesan seminarians.

The edition also contains stories about the Newman Lecture series, a new Catholic High School head and how Pope Francis and the Queen helped a Suffolk couple celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary.

There is also regular news from diocesan schools, the Ignite youth team and picture stories from parishes across the Diocese of East Anglia.

Click here to read the May 2019 Catholic East Anglia

Printed copies will be available in all churches across the Diocese from Saturday April 27.

You can sign up for regular online news updates from the Diocese of East Anglia using the form on the left of this page.
