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Bishop washes feet of parishioners at St John’s Cathedral

Bishop Alan Hopes washed the feet of 12 members of the congregation at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Norwich last night (April 18), in the traditional Maundy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper. 

Bishop Alan knelt to wash, dry and kiss their feet following the example of Jesus, who did the same to his 12 disciples at the Last Supper, the day before he was crucified.

The 12 parishioners represented groups from across the parish including SVP, choir, youth, Couples For Christ, servers and stewards.

In his homily, Bishop Alan said: “At the heart of the Lord’s Supper and the cross lies hope – something profound. The bread and the wine become the body and blood of the Lord.

“At the supper Jesus gave us a new commandment – that we should love each other as he has loved us. He showed us just what that means when he knelt down to wash the feet of his disciples.

“The idea of service reminds us that we as individuals live within a community. The Lord’s call to service reminds us of the dignity and sanctity of each human being,” said Bishop Alan.

Holy Communion was followed by a procession and the transfer of the most blessed sacrament.

Pictured top is Bishop Alan Hopes washing the feet of 12 congregation members at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich and, above, Fr Paul Chanh washes feet at Our Lady Star of the Sea in Lowestoft (picture by Denise Bretton).

Click here or see below for a picture gallery of the Norwich Mass

Mass of the Lord's Supper, St John's Cathedral Norwich



