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Bishops’ Conference offers spiritual food for lockdown

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have collected a range of online resources for those looking for spiritual sustenance during times of isolation.

Its Lent in isolation initiative is available at https://www.faithinisolation.com/ and plans to continue after the lockdown.

Fr Christopher Jamison, a Benedictine monk from Worth Abbey in West Sussex, has produced materials on https://www.alonetogether.org.uk/ specifically for the lockdown period.

Fr Stephen Wang from the university Chaplaincy in central London has created a Youtube channel called ‘Pause for faith: Catholic life, conversation and prayer’.

You can join him each day as he live streams, and explore the video library of recent talks and archived homilies. You can visit the channel at:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbrIxeH2TSwEc8eVwwMGv8w

It’s an informal conversation about living the Christian faith, with Catholic history and spirituality, the lives of the saints, Christian teaching, practical tips for everyday life, contemporary issues facing the Church and the world, some Q&A and interviews.

Provisional streaming times: 11am and 8pm UK time, Monday to Friday.

YouTube: Pause for Faith

Facebook: @pauseforfaith


Twitter: @pauseforfaith


Instagram: pauseforfaith


Brother Richard Hendrick, a priest-friar of the Irish branch of the Capuchin Franciscan Order, has been a recent contributor to the Catholic Voices webinars: https://www.catholicvoices.org.uk/events/cv-connect-2

Clips will be available on the website in due course.

The Catholic Truth Society is providing spiritual support for people in isolation at: https://www.ctsbooks.org/blog/?category_filter=spiritual-support-isolation

The Hozana online prayer community is providing resources at: https://hozana.org/en/

Pictured above is Fr Stephen Wang


