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Caritas Festival heartens and encourages in Ipswich

Jane Crone from CAFOD in East Anglia reports on the Caritas in East Anglia’s Ipswich deanery festival on Saturday February 24.

St Mary’s parish in Ipswich hosted Caritas in East Anglia’s second deanery festival on Saturday February 24. The day started with Mass, celebrated by Bishop Peter and broadcast live on Radio Maria. During his homily the Bishop reflected on the call to engage in works of charity in the collect of the day, and the challenge to show love to all in the gospel (Matthew chapter 5 v 43-38). 

At the end of Mass Fr John Warrington, Caritas in East Anglia Chair, thanked Bishop Peter for celebrating Mass and supporting Caritas. He went on to explain that Caritas East Anglia was established in November 2019 to encourage, support and co-ordinate works of social outreach in the diocese. It is a member of the Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), the social action arm of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Deanery Caritas festivals celebrate ways in which our Catholic community puts its faith into action through Caritas and other outreach organisations and encourages new volunteers to get involved.

Fr John concluded by inviting everyone into the church hall for refreshments and an opportunity to meet representatives from organisations actively engaged in social outreach in the Ipswich area. Local organisations represented included Compassionate Companions, FIND (Families in Need), Helping Hands the Diocesan Cambodia link and Ipswich town pasters. National and international organisations included the Catenians, Stella Maris, Radio Maria SVP and CAFOD.

At the end of the morning a representative from Helping Hands in Felixstowe summed up her day.

“I have learnt so much from visiting all the stalls today. Meeting other volunteers was heartening and encouraging. So much wonderful work is going on in our deanery!”

For more information about Caritas in East Anglia see our page on the Diocesan website.

The next Caritas Festival will be on Saturday May 25, 2024, at St Peter’s Church in Gorleston
