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Corpus Christi procession around St John’s Norwich

The Cathedral of St John the Baptist celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi on June 2, led by Bishop Peter Collins. The celebration included Solemn Mass, a procession of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction.

In his homily, Bishop Peter reflected on the first covenant between God and humanity. He said: “The first covenant formed was the covenant of creation itself. God created us in his own image and likeness, imparted to us his very life and the fullness of his love. By our rebellion we fell from grace.”

He went on to discuss the sacrifices made throughout history, including during World War II: “Much sacrifice was needed in order to remedy the scourge of Nazism. The greatest rebellion where malign forces refashioned the understanding of humanity, distorting humanity in so many grotesque ways. Warfare itself is the greatest enemy and yet we recognise how much sacrifice is needed to defend freedom.”

Bishop Peter then spoke about the nature of true freedom: “Freedom simply equates to the ability to choose and whatever is chosen has equal merit. We know however from what God has revealed through the ages that our choice is but a tool that enables us to choose authentic freedom that brings fulfilment. The fulfilment found only ultimately in God,” he explained.

Addressing the Eucharist, Bishop Peter said: “On this great Feast of the Body and Blood of our Redeemer, the great Sacrament of the Eucharist is acknowledged. We acknowledge the real presence of the Lord. We bring our adoration. Above all, we must ensure that the place is prepared within.

“We are called through the Eucharist to sanctity for the purpose of mission. We remind ourselves one and all then that as we approach the Holy Eucharist we are forever being equipped, nourished, strengthened, sent forth for the sake of the mission,” he said.

After the homily, Bishop Peter called forward those who were received into the Church this Easter for a special blessing. “Heavenly Father, look kindly on these, your children, who have become members of your Son’s mystical body, the Church. In the sacraments they have now encountered your power. In the scriptures they have heard your word and through their parish community they have shared in the life of your holy people,” he prayed.

Following the Mass, a procession of the Blessed Sacrament took place, starting in the Cathedral, moving through the grounds, the surrounding streets, and into the cathedral garden. The choir led the congregation in hymns as they processed. The celebration concluded with Benediction in the Cathedral.

Following Benediction, people were invited to join in a shared buffet in the Cathedral Narthex.

See below for the full photo gallery.

Feast of Corpus Christi, St John's Cathedral, Norwich, June 2024
