Joe McCrossan, Head Teacher at St Albans, Cambridge and Brian Conway, CEO of the St John the Baptist MAT in Norfolk, were part of a select audience of education professionals invited to hear from the Prime Minister along with Secretary of State for Education, Justine Greening, about the forthcoming Education White Paper.
Flavio Vettese, Deputy Director of Schools for the Diocese of East Anglia, said: "It is a real boost for our new Free Schools bid that two of our head teachers were invited along to this important briefing at No 10 about the government's future education plans."
Brian said: "We were delighted to be invited along to the meeting on behalf on the Diocese. Joe spoke to Justine Greening about the ideas and also about school funding. I spoke with Toby Young, the Head of the New Schools Network, who was very supportive of our Free School bids."
Pictured above, outside No 10 Downing Street, are Brian Conway, left, and Joe McCrossan.