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Faith, fun and friends at Cathedral youth camps

Young people from St John the Baptist Cathedral in Norwich have been having fun at a Chronicles of Narnia camp with a further Life to the Full camp coming up in October reports Jo Graham.

The Chronicles of Narnia themed camp at the Cathedral from August 22 to 26 saw 37 children between the ages of 4-16 taking part in various activities from treasure hunts, art and archery to baking and movie afternoons. A Cafod team came along to teach about the Live Simply campaign and looking after this beautiful planet that God has given us.

We ended the week with Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, thanking God for the great time we had and an awesome water fight inspired by the last book in the Chronicles of Narnia – "The Last Battle"

A second youth camp is being held at Buckden Towers near Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire during the half term from October 24 to 28.

Billed as the Life to the Full Retreat, it promises five days of faith, friends and fun

It is aimed at Year 8s and above, particularly if you are preparing for Confirmation 2017.

The cost of £50 per person includes travel to and from Buckden Towers, accommodation and food

Booking forms are available on St John's cathedral website.

Please send in the booking form and cheque for the full amount or a non-refundable deposit for £10 per person with the balance to be paid by Oct 10, two weeks before the camp.
