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Fr Seelan gives drive-through blessing in Peterborough

More than 70 carloads of parishioners from Sacred Heart and St Oswald took advantage of the opportunity for a drive-through blessing on the eve of Corpus Christi. Barbara Conlon from the parish reports.

A wonderful day of blessings was held on June 13 for our parishioners as Fr Seelan held a St Antony Drive-through Benediction on the eve of Corpus Christi. Each parishioner or family was offered a 5-minute slot in the car park of St Oswald, remaining in their car to pray in front of our Lord and receive benediction, and to receive individually wrapped blessed bread as a gift. 

As always, there was no shortage of volunteers ready to help with the organising, and with ensuring that social distancing guidelines were followed. 

The day started early with one of our parish families arriving early on Saturday morning to set up the altar, and the live streaming facilities for those who were unable to come along. Many parishioners, including our young members, came forward to volunteer to guide people around the drive through and the one-way system which we put in place to ensure that none of the adjoining roads were disrupted with queuing cars.

We had over 70 cars on the day visiting the Blessed Sacrament. We were blessed with beautiful weather and our parishioners were so happy to be able to sit in front of our Lord. 

As this was a first of its kind, we were apprehensive but incredibly pleased with the outcome, with everyone following the strict social distancing rules by remaining in their individual cars.

Below is some of the feedback we received after the event:

“Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to come physically before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  It was so well organised, thank you to all the volunteers.”

“What a lovely day, I have felt quite moved today. I will be truthful I did not think it would work out how it did, so well done, and the weather was beautiful. I think you are any amazing priest.”

“This made the last day of the Novena very special and a spiritual experience for which I am very grateful to Fr Seelan.”

Pictured above is Fr Seelan blessing a family in the car park at St Oswald
