Recent research by identifies that one in five non-Christians are open to a conversation about Jesus. We may be missing opportunities in our family and among friends and colleagues because we just don’t know what to say.
Since our impressions of Jesus can either help or hinder our desire to talk about him, consider your response to the question Jesus asks his disciples in the Gospel “Who do you say I am?”
A prayerful response would be to re-read the gospel for Sunday September 16 (Mark 8:27-35) and imagine yourself with the disciples. Gently allow your response to come to the surface.
What can I do?
The diocesan event Sharing Hope in Crisis on Saturday November 3 will be an opportunity to explore the practicalities of sharing our faith in Jesus Christ and his message. Have a look at the details on this page and register online.
You may belong to an established evangelisation team in your parish or now could the time to suggest that your parish considers the Creating Missionary Parishes programme being used by other parishes in East Anglia.
It’s time to start preparing for your parish Advent Posada Journey. The first task is to find the statue! Posters and other resources will be available in October and parish sign-ups in November.
Posada’ is a Mexican tradition. A young couple from the parish are selected to dress up as Mary and Joseph and then spend the days of Advent travelling from house to house asking for a room for the night and telling their hosts about the imminent arrival of Jesus at Christmas. Modern day ‘Posada’ uses a statue of Mary and Joseph and the donkey instead of a young couple to travel from home to home.
Posada provides an opportunity for hospitality and a sharing of our Christian faith with family and friends. By hosting the statue we can join this simple but effective form of evangelisation.
Pictured above are Sr Monica Reeves (holding statue) and Sr Dorothy Creighton, both Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in March, with a Posada statue.