The Catholic community celebrated the Season of Creation from September 1 to October 4 in response to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si, which was subtitled “on care for our common home”.
During this time thousands of people on six continents united to take action for the planet. “Planting trees is one way to help sequester carbon emissions,” said Kathleen Walker from the Aldeburgh and Leiston parishes.“By choosing trees that are native broadleaf species it is possible to preserve our local environment and biodiversity.”
On Sunday October 4, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the parishes of All Saints, Leiston and Our Lady and St Peter’s, Aldeburgh took part in the blessing of the 120 trees. In the spirit of ecumenism, some of the trees were destined to be planted in the Yoxford and Darsham Anglican churchyards, as well as on the Westleton Village Common.
Other trees are being planted in numerous private properties, including Hawsells Farm, which is owned by Glen Ogilvie. Glen has carefully planted a row of these English Oak trees along the edge of a field in a location which should enhance their growth for many years to come.
Pictured above are Mgr Tony Rogers and Glen Ogilvie