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Peterborough churches celebrate Advent together

Christian churches in the Ortons area of Peterborough were united in prayer as they prepared for Christmas, reports Catholic seminarian Bienn Carlo.

Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas when Christ’s first coming to us is remembered and our minds and hearts are directed to await the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time.

As Advent was celebrated, the different churches of the Ortons are in Peterborough were all united in prayer as they live-streamed an Ecumenical Advent Carol Service on December 6.

The service was organised by St Luke’s Catholic Church – Orton Malborne, together with Christ Church – Orton Golday, Christian Presence – Orton Malborne, Holy Trinity – Orton Longueville, The Methodist Church – Orton Waterville, St Andrew’s – Alwalton, St Michael’s – Chesterton, The Salvation Army – Orton Brimbles and St Mary’s – Orton Waterville.

It was presided over by Fr Jeffrey Downie, Parish Priest of St Luke’s and the Catholic Dean of Peterborough, with Fr Jude and seminarian Bienn Carlo leading the organisation and live-streaming.

“As we contemplate celebrating Christmas in this extraordinary year, may it be a time for us to pray for each other, for all who died due to Covid-19 and for all people who are still suffering because of the pandemic. May the birth of our Saviour unite all Christians as one in commemorating this joyful season,” said Bienn Carlo. “May the new born King, bless us, our loved ones, and the whole of humanity.”

Pictured below is Fr Jeffrey Downie at St Luke’s during the ecumenical Advent service, pictured above.
