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Priest retires, fundraiser success, harvest festival

Latest news of interest across the Diocese of East Anglia includes a farewell to a retiring parish priest, a successful fundraiser and a harvest festival.

Parishioners from St Jude’s, Whittlesey and Sacred Heart, Ramsey, have come together to mark the retirement of Fr Michael Vulliamy, who had been their Parish Priest since 2016.

The celebration took place together at Childers Club, Whittlesey, on Friday September 15, reports Eilish Storey.

“Fr Michael, who will be living in Peterborough, thanked parishioners for their kindness over the last seven years and for their generous leaving gift. We wish Fr Michael a happy and peaceful retirement.”

Pictured above is Fr Michael with parishioners from Sacred Heart church in Ramsey.

Kings’ Lynn Parish celebrated its Harvest Festival on Sunday October 1, reports Pauline McSherry: “Generous parishioners came laden with their gifts which were placed on the sanctuary step.  On the altar were bread and grapes, symbolic of the Holy Eucharist.  Our Canon told us that the fine black grapes had been harvested from the Rectory garden. Our offerings , with gratitude, will be distributed to the Foodbank, the Night Shelter and families in need. It is in giving that we receive,” said Pauline.

An annual Macmillan Coffee Morning (pictured below) was held in The Narthex at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich on October 6. “We had a wonderful morning and raised £818.93 for Macmillan,” said Celia McKenna. “It was an amazing amount raised for a very worthy cause.”
