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Radio Maria England appoints new Priest Director

Fr Toby Lees, a Dominican priest, will be taking over in July as Priest Director of Radio Maria England.

Dr Charles Wilson, President of Radio Maria England, made the announcement on the Feast of St George, April 26: “It is with great pleasure that I confirm that Fr Toby Lees will be starting on July 1 as our new Priest Director, as Fr Andreas’ year in England comes to an end. We thank Fr Andreas for his invaluable input during this time.” 

Fr Toby will be working in London and Cambridge and the base for the station will remain in Cambridge. He has been a regular on the programme Culture Tuesday and a co-presenter for the Sport and Faith series.

Fr Toby said he was “delighted, honoured and excited to be the new Priest Director, and I look forward to building upon the great work of Fr Sam Randall and of Fr Andreas Schätzle”.

Radio Maria England is a 24-hour station. It is part of a worldwide network of more than 80 radio stations on all continents, offering a voice of hope and encouragement.

The programming of Radio Maria is based on three pillars: prayer, catechesis and human formation. It broadcasts daily Mass and spiritual content, as well as social programmes and worldwide news. 

Currently, collaborations with the Dominicans in Cambridge have included morning prayers, daily Mass and religious teaching programmes including topics on the Divine Office, saints and sacred scripture. With an additional studio at the Rosary Shrine in London, Radio Maria is looking forward to developing collaborations with the Dominicans.

The full schedule and more detailed programme information can be found on our website at

Pictured above is Fr Toby Lees.
