The allegations relate to Fr Ryan’s former ministry in Peru, South America, and have been referred to the statutory authorities including the Police. Whilst the investigation is ongoing Fr Ryan has voluntarily stood down from all public ministry.
This is a neutral act which makes no judgement on his guilt or innocence and is in keeping with the national safeguarding policies and procedures of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
The Right Rev Alan Hopes, Bishop of the Diocese of East Anglia, affirmed: “The safeguarding of children and vulnerable people is of paramount importance to the Catholic Church and the Diocese is co-operating fully with the statutory authorities in this investigation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all involved in the investigation.”
If anyone has any concerns arising from this statement then they may contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator at email:
As the police investigation is ongoing it would not be appropriate to make any further comment at this time.