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Volunteers’ tea, day for men, Cambridge confirmation

Latest news from across the Diocese of East Anglia includes a volunteers tea in Felixstowe, a Confirmation in Cambridge and a Day for Men in Walsingham.

Bishop Peter Collins, pictured above, confirmed 21 of 35 young candidates at St Laurence’s Church, Cambridge, on Wednesday July 5 with 14 being confirmed the previous day at Our Lady & English Martyrs due to a clash of dates with a school trip.

Sue Sykes said: “It was a lovely Mass with Bishop Peter connecting with all the candidates who were all smiling after he has anointed them with oil. It was followed by a party in the parish room with a special confirmation cake.

Each summer the four teams of voluntary church cleaners at St Felix, Felixstowe, are invited to the Presbytery for afternoon tea (pictured right), as a thank you for the work which they carry out throughout the year, reports Fr John Barnes.

“Two teas were held this year, on a Tuesday and a Friday, to enable as many cleaners as possible to take part. The teas took the traditional form, dainty sandwiches, scones with clotted cream, and a selection of cakes. There was music and animated conversation.”

Twenty three Catholic men from East Anglia (pictured below) came together in Walsingham for the annual “Day for Men” organised by the diocesan Marriage and Family Life Commission on June 10. The group met together for Mass at the Shrine, fellowship, discussion, prayer and finished the day with the Rosary as they walked the Holy Mile.

Led by Fr Anil Zachery and Chidi Umeano, they explored many of the unique challenges faced by men as they attempt to follow their vocation as husbands, fathers or single men in the modern world, said MFL co-ordinator, Antonia Braithwaite: “Fr Anil helped to delve into the true role of fatherhood and Chidi led an interactive question and answer discussion session. All left invigorated and strengthened and with a deeper understanding of how Jesus Christ Himself provides the best example of how men are called to both serve and lead. Many thanks to all who attended.”

To be kept up-to-date for next year’s Day For Men, please contact Antonia at:
