St Edmund’s Day celebrated in style at Bungay
December 4, 2017
Bishop Alan blesses new stained glass windows
December 5, 2017
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2018 East Anglia Yearbook and Calendar published

The Diocese of East Anglia 2018 Yearbook and Liturgical Calendar is now available online and will be in parishes from December 9th.

The annual printed publication, which this year is a bumper 192 pages with colour-coded sections, is available for just £3.

Edited and designed by Communications DirectorKeith Morris,with some content updated by Bishop's PAElaine Bugg, the publication is a comprehensive directory of parishes and contacts across the diocese.

It includes guides to the different departments and commissions of the diocese, as well parishes, schools, hospitals and prisons as well as a listing of all clergy and religious across East Anglia.

Also included is a pictorial guide to the last 12 months in the life of the diocese, alongside pastoral statistics, the diocese financial report and a Catholic organisations and societies directory. Bishop Alan has written a foreword.

The Diocesan Liturgical Calendar has been produced byTricia Steelwith assistance fromFr David FineganandFr Padraig Hawkins.

Both the full Diocese of East Anglia Yearbook 2018, and the separate Diocesan Calendar, are now available online by clicking these links and are fully searchable.

Printed copies will be available at just £3, from parishes and churches across the diocese, from December 9th.

Pictured top is Bishop Alan with children from Our Lady Star of the Sea at Lowestoft, who are pictured on the cover of the 2018 Yearbook.
