St Edmunds Primary School ' the jewel in the crown of our parish ' playing a central role in the celebrations on Sunday November 26.
As is customary for Family Mass, our young parishioners led many of the hymns and also did the readings and brought up the Offertory gifts, while the small but growing school choir delivered a melting rendition ofAs the Deer Pants for the Water.
After Mass, we all adjourned to our wonderfully decorated hall for coffees, and took the opportunity to admire the artwork created by the school-children and to browse their books of poetry and stories, based on the legend of St Edmund and the wolf.
Adding to the sense of occasion, a trumpet call marked the beginning of the celebrations, followed by a welcome from Fr CharlesFitzgerald-Lombard before we all recited the prayer to St Edmund.What followed next was an excellent medley of music, song and readings, with performances from parishioners of all ages, ranging from two to 82.
Mrs Barlow told us how St Edmund's Day was celebrated at school and showcased some very artistic and amusing videos created by the children, using the interactive whiteboard.In addition to the various performances, a special craftwork area, dedicated to crown decorating, was set aside for children.
Marking a break with our traditional Winter BBQ, this year's lunch menu served up hearty portions of chilli and jacket potato with various garnishes, followed by trifle and a special St Edmund cake.
The celebratory meal was free of charge but diners were invited to contribute by way of helping with the organising, cooking, decorating or clearing up.
Pictured top is the St Edmund’s children’s choir and, above, children making crowns.
A Healing of the Family Tree Mass will be at St Laurence's Catholic Church, 91 Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1XB on Tuesday December19 at 7.30pm. Fr Stephan Park OSA, from Clare Priory, will celebrate this very special, and freeing Mass, all are welcome. For more information, please ring the St Laurence office on 01223 704640.