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An East Anglian recipe for confident Catholics

A Southwold grandmother has described her new confidence in speaking about her faith, after successfully completing an online diocesan course in Catechetics.

Laurette Burton, from the Sacred Heart parish in Southwold, said she studied for the Diocesan Catechetical Certificate because she was “sometimes needing to answer searching questions from members of the family”.

Having now completed the course, she said: “I can highly recommend it, not least because as a cradle Catholic I assumed my knowledge of the faith to be comprehensive, and yet I have learnt so much.”

Laurette was also motivated to take the course by a desire to equip herself with the knowledge necessary for evangelisation.  “The course is divided into a number of modules,” she explained, “covering a wide spectrum of the faith including study of the basic tenets, the liturgy, the significance of Sacred art and the place of the media in evangelisation.”

Other participants commented:

“Thank you so much for this wonderful course.  I have learnt so much and deepened my faith in ways I had not expected.” 

“The course has been an enriching journey for me and I am deeply blessed to have been one of the participants.  This grace has been a life-changing experience.” 

The course is based on distance learning over 18 months, with attendance at 6 non-residential study days. There is a balance of teaching, liturgy, social time and prayer at the weekends. The cost can be met by the local parish.

As a final word of encouragement, Laurette added: “If you are already a catechist, a parent, or a grandparent wishing to pass on the faith, or if you want to delve more deeply into its riches, this is wonderful way of learning open to you.”

If you are interested please talk initially with your parish priest.

Applications can be made via the website:

If you have further questions please contact the course co-ordinator for East Anglia, Fr Andrew Eburne (

The picture shows Carol Ann Harnett, the course tutor, with a group of students at a study day in May, including Laurette Burton (far right).




