The walk, on the afternoon of Sunday May 23, was led by Church of England Rector the Rev Martin Greenland accompanied by Methodist Minister the Rev Andrew King and Catholic Deacon the Rev Peter Glanville, a retired BBC producer who, 20 years ago, conceived the original idea of the walk.
Representatives from the three denominations joined together outside St Edmunds church to recite initial prayers before proceeding to the local undertakers, pictured above with St. Edmunds in the background, where Peter Glanville delivered an appropriate homily.
Maureen Gage led the prayers outside Barclays Bank, and John Kenny recited further prayers outside the Fire Station. Isobel Ashworth then took over at the Primary School, Wendy Kenny prayed outside the Recreation Centre, Jenny Cumpstey did the job at the Medical Centre, whilst Gwen Power led the prayers outside the Herondale Housing Trust.
Finally, Andrew King prayed outside the Methodist Church and then invited the whole party inside for excellent refreshments.
The photo above is courtesy of John Kenny.