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Bishop Alan to lead Pentecost Rosary Relay

Bishop Alan Hopes will lead priests and people across the Diocese of East Anglia in responding to a call from Pope Francis to pray the Rosary during May by taking part in the Rosary Relay on May 31.

On Pentecost Sunday the London Rosary Shrine, Walsingham Basilica, Carfin Grotto and Rosary on the Coast are jointly organising this 12-hour rosary event, which will take place across England, Scotland and Wales.

The Diocese of East Anglia has been asked to pray the Rosary between 2.00pm and 3.00pm on Sunday May 31. Bishop Alan will lead the Rosary at 2.00pm, and it will be live streamed from St John the Baptist cathedral. The link for joining the rosary relay is here.

Bishop Alan has asked every member of the clergy and religious to pray the rosary at that time – either in the church or at home. He is also asking them to advertise the relay on parish websites, and to share the invitation to as many people as possible, encouraging families to join in together. If parishes are live streaming, he is asking them to live stream this moment of prayer as well.

The intentions of the rosary relay are:

  • For faith, sanctity of life and peace to prevail in our nations
  • For an end to the Covid-19 virus
  • For those who have died, and the grieving, for all health workers and carers, for those researching for an anti-virus
  • For the poor, homeless and destitute
  • For the protection of the common good, and people’s livelihoods
  • That the Holy Spirit will preserve us from disaster and war

The event will end with final blessings at 9pm from Bishop John Keenan at St Mirin’s Cathedral in Paisley.

Image by Myriam Zilles from Pixabay
