Over 150 young people from across the Diocese of East Anglia enjoyed the Ignite Youth Festival over the weekend (May 5-6) camping at the Sacred Heart […]
Praying for Young People in our Diocese No matter how young or old you are, you can support the children and young people of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, […]
A recent visit by the Ignite Youth Team to the new Cambourne and Sawston Parish saw 50 youngsters engage in musical, dramatic and reflective activities. Confirmation […]
Ignite team leader Cat Williams reflects on a busy time exploring Reconciliation in the context of Lent. Since jumping back into action at the start of […]
There was a light-filled celebration of Epiphany near Norwich on Saturday evening (January 6) when around 120 young people and their families from across the Diocese […]
The Ignite Team – the Youth Mission Team of the Diocese of East Anglia – is growing. Joining Hamish MacQueen (Director of Diocesan Youth Service) and […]
Over 100 children from four Catholic primary schools in Norfolk and Suffolktook part in a day of reflection and celebration on the theme of Pentecost led […]
Over 200 Catholic young people gathered for the Ignite Youth Festival, camping at Sacred Heart School in Swaffham over the bank holiday weekend (April 29 to […]
Catherine Williams has been welcomed as the new Ignite Mission Team Leader as the Diocese said goodbye to Matt, Judith, Ben and Clare whose ‘gap’ years […]
The Diocese of East Anglia's 80-strong pilgrim group in Krakow get their first sight of Pope Francis as the World Youth Day celebrations continue. Sarah Mawe […]