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Epiphany celebration and theology lecture in Cambridge

Latest news in brief from across the Diocese of East Anglia includes an Epiphany celebration and a theology lecture and a concert for peace and reconciliation.

A special Epiphany celebration (pictured above) was held by the Norwich Secular Franciscan "Pax et Bonum' Fraternity at their monthly meeting which happened to fall on the feast day, Sunday January 7. Each member brought a small wrapped gift to represent the gifts brought by the Magi to the Crib at Bethlehem. After the usual business of prayer, formation and the singing of hymns, the gifts were shared out among the members.

The Fraternity meets regularly on the First Sunday of each month at St George's Meeting Room, Sprowston Road, Norwich, and welcomes enquirers.

The Annual Aquinas Lecture at the Dominican Community of Blackfriars, Cambridge, will be given by Dr Andrew Meszaros from the Pontifical University, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, near Dublin.

Vale of Tears or Kingdom of God? Augustine and Aquinas on a Theology of History, will be Andrew's subject.

The lecture takes place on Monday January 29, 6pm, at Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge CB3 0DD and will be followed by light refreshments.

Andrew Meszaros STD lectures in Systematic Theology at The Pontifical University, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. He is the author of the recently published ‘The Prophetic Church: History and Dogmatic Development in John Henry Newman and Yves Congar’.
