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Fakenham parishioner’s honour for 24 years’ service

On Sunday September 22, during the morning Mass at St Anthony of Padua in Fakenham, Sandra was honoured with the Diocesan Medal for her remarkable 24 years of dedicated service to the parish. This recognition was awarded to her in the presence of the parish community, celebrating her invaluable contributions.

Over the course of nearly two and a half decades, Sandra has served under five different Parish Priests, consistently showing dedication in her role as Sacristan. Her efforts in looking after the sacristy, ensuring the ordering of essential church supplies, and preparing the church daily for Mass and other services throughout the year have been greatly appreciated. She has also been an invaluable support for visiting priests whenever the Parish Priest was away.

In addition to her role as Sacristan, Sandra has taken on various administrative responsibilities within the parish. She has prepared the weekly newsletter, maintained the noticeboards, and coordinated essential church rotas for Readers, Counters, Flower arrangers, and other key roles.

Sandra’s deep knowledge of the parish and its members has also made her a trusted point of contact, assisting the Parish Priest in addressing important pastoral concerns in a parish that spans over 250 square miles.

The awarding of the Diocesan Medal is a fitting tribute to Sandra’s years of faithful service, reflecting her commitment, dedication, and deep care for the St Anthony of Padua parish community.
