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The October Catholic East Anglia is now live online

The October 2024 edition of the Catholic East Anglia newspaper is now published online and paper copies will be available in parishes later this week.

The edition includes a report on East Anglia delegates at the national Adoremus gathering and a report on the annual diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes.

Also included are reports on the Dowry of Mary pilgrimage to Walsingham, two Catholic families from Suffolk conquering a mountain for charity and a call to fight modern slavery in our region.

Printed copies will be available in all churches across the Diocese by Friday September 27 and can be picked up for free and distributed among your friends and people who do not attend Mass.

You can sign up for regular online news updates from the Diocese of East Anglia using the form on the left of this page.

Click here to download a PDF of the October 2024 Catholic East Anglia newspaper.

Click here to download a page-turning edition with web links.

