During the Mass, led by the Vicar General David Bagstaff, the students, governors and staff remembered important moments from the school's 50-year history.
David Dawson, Chair of Governors, spoke eloquently about the importance of Catholic education in West Suffolk, praising the work of the staff and head teachers over the years.
The support of local parish priest, Fr Houghton, Councillor Pemberton and John Lacey-Scott was crucial to the founding of the School. St Benedict's opened on January 16, 1967 with only 89 pupils on roll. Numbers grew steadily over the years and it is now a very successful 11-18 school with 860 students.
For the occasion of the Mass, a special frontal was placed before the altar. The beautiful (and intricate) piece was designed by art teacher, Dominic Billings and was made by his Year 9 Students.
Amongst the music for the Mass, the choir performed a setting of "Jubilate Deo' which had been specially written for the occasion by the young British composer James Devor.
Further celebrations are planned throughout the year, details at: www.st-benedicts.suffolk.sch.uk
Pictured above is the frontal artwork made at St Benedict's.