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St George’s cubs make blankets for the homeless

The Cub Pack at St George’s in Norwich have been turning crisp packets into insulating blankets for the homeless. Gillian Hanley reports.

At St George’s our Cub Pack have been working towards their Environmental Conservation Badge. Anne-Marie Cooke, our cub leader, was recently discussing this with her leaders.

At this point our section assistant Joe Savage, who is spending a year as a CAFOD intern, had an idea. He had recently attended COP26 and told her that he knew some people who had made insulating blankets from crisp packets.

The Cubs all agreed they should give this a go, so they started collecting empty crisp packets from friends and family. On December 1 they set to work with a busy production line. Some cubs were cutting the packets open, others washing them, others drying them.

Then they needed to be laid out in rows to be ironed together (adults and young leaders helped at this stage). They made 10 insulating blankets in one evening, and the cubs were very proud of their achievement.

They have now been donated to a charity in Norwich that supports people sleeping on the streets.

Pictured above are the St George’s cubs and, below, the rolled-up insulating blankets.
