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Synod response good but still time to have your say

Over 700 responses have been received in the Diocese of East Anglia online Synodal Pathway survey but there is still time to take part before the deadline of March 8.

Angela Wilson, lay representative of the Diocesan Synodal Pathway team, said: “if you haven’t yet completed the questionnaire, we would encourage you to do so before the deadline. We have received just over 700 responses so far, for which we are very grateful, but we are keen to receive more, especially from schools and young adults.

“The responses have been steady over the past couple of months as parishes have met to reflect on the questions together.”

In February, Caritas East Anglia held two online listening / discernment events, welcoming those on the margins of the Church, along with parishioners who were not able to attend their parish events.  A report from these events will be submitted to the Diocesan Synodal Pathway Team to be included in the Diocesan Report.  Those attending were also encouraged to complete the online Survey. 

Jacinta Welch, Caritas Development Worker, said: “We were pleased to welcome all those who attended the Caritas online events and we value their insightful contributions.  We hope that in the future, those on the margins of the Church will feel more able to contribute in this new, synodal way of being Church.”

After the close of the online survey, a team of readers will be assisting with the compilation of a ten-page Diocesan synthesis that will be sent to the Bishops’ Conference on April 8 to be included in the national synthesis, and which will then culminate in the final Synod Gathering of Bishops in Rome in October 2023.

You can contact the Diocese East Anglia synodal pathway team of Mrs Angela Wilson, Dcn Huw Williams and Fr Andrew Eburne at

To fill in the online survey click here.
