“This is the time of year,” explains Fr Andrew, “when many parishes – including the Chaplaincy – would be beginning classes for those who want to find out more about the Catholic faith: what we as Catholics believe, and why. But now that we live under Covid-19 restrictions, that learning process is not as straightforward as it once was. So it’s a real help to be able to provide teaching online.”
The podcast sub-divides the Creed into twenty short sections, and gives an introduction and background to each one.
“They are not long podcasts,” said Fr Andrew, “just fifteen minutes or so each week. But hopefully within that short compass they will help people to understand the Faith better, and perhaps also encourage them to think and pray more deeply about the truths that we proclaim when we say the Creed.”
The Credo podcast continues through to Easter. To listen go to Credo, or to the Catholic Chaplaincy website https://ueacathchap.org.uk/podcast/
Pictured above is Fr Andrew Eburne