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Wisdom on how to evangelise in uncertain times

Michael Dopp from Canada and the U Evangelize Team are organising a free webinar to look at how we can share the Gospel as the world opens up again.

Among the speakers will be George Weigel, author of 27 books, including Evangelical Catholicism and Witness to Hope, the definitive biography of St John Paul II.

He will be joined by Michele Thompson and Fr Jon Bielawski, who will be familiar to many people in the Diocese of East Anglia and have supported its evangelisation initiatives. Dr Mary Healy, Professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit, will also join the panel.

The organising team writes: “A lot has changed in the last six months – and we as a Church have had to learn how to respond.

“But have we done enough? Is there more for us to do? What new opportunities are there for sharing the Good News of Jesus with all the world?”

The webinar will take place on Saturday September 26 from 5pm – 8pm UK time.

It will be a chance to hear from people who have creatively responded to the call to mission during these uncertain times we are moving through.

You can get a free ticket via this link:


Pictured above is George Weigel




